4766 Linda Ln, Bryan, TX 77807, PHONE:  (979)-777-3847
We are a “Field Paint Only” park.
We provide premium GI SPORTZ paint made specifically for outdoor use. It is eco friendly and 
contains no oils. 
If you have your own gear but need something.
EXTRA RENTALS $6.00 tax included

PAINT : Custom
500       $23
1000     $39
2000     $57

PAINT : Premium
500       $31
1000     $51
2000     $71

Basic $40
-Rental Equipment (Tippmann FT-12)
-500 Paintballs
Extreme $56
-Rental Equipment upgrade (EMEK)
-500 Paintballs
Electric $71
-Electric Equipment upgrade (ETHA/ GS MINI)
-500 Paintballs